
HEG is the Industry Leader in ESL Language School Sales

Overview of HEG's Client's ESL Language Schools for Sale and Buyer Acquisition Opportunities

HEG is an international merger and acquisition consulting and advisory firm, focused exclusively on advising on investments in the private education sector and we are one of the most active M & A consulting firms in the field with significant experience in K-12, and post-secondary education market. We work with school and business owners and buyers from across the globe regarding the sale of their educational institution – be a K-12 school, boarding high school, ESL language school, career college, or university. We have an extensive list of qualified buyers seeking to purchase businesses in variety of markets and school types. These include corporate buyers seeking platforms or add-on acquisitions, high net-worth individuals, private equity firms, and/or other qualified parties interested in acquiring private schools. Additionally, in a select few occasions, HEG also represents buyers with their search and purchase of a private school, including:

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If you would like to find out more about our M&A services and buying, selling, or merging your K-12 private school, post secondary school, language school, or education business, or would like to find out more about the value of your school in today's market, please contact HEG by email at info@halladayeducationgroup.com or calling directly at +1-800-687-1492. Provided below is an overview of the schools HEG is currently representing in regards to their sale or school types buyers are seeking to acquire.

Provided below is a list of our featured ESL Language Schools for sale by our client's.



美国南加州CEA及SEVP认证营利性多校区ESL语言学校出售(No. 1069)
学校总览:正在出售的私立英语语言学校位于阳光明媚的南加州洛杉矶市,学校在本地教育市场备受推崇,拥有两个校区及CEA*认证,提供各种水平的英语作为第二语言(ESL)的课程,托福备考,商务英语,托福iBT ,专业与会话英语。30多年来,学校一直在向国际学生提供高质量的 ESL课程,以学生为中心的,由专业教师授课,并且经英语课程评鉴委员会(CEA)和SEVIS认证(F-1学生签证)认证.…
学校概况: 目前我们有客户正在出售其在美国东北部主要市场上备受推崇的具有CEA认证的英语语言学校,该学校提供各种水平的英语作为第二语言(ESL),托福iBT准备,通用英语,强化英语课程,学术类长期英语课程,商务英语及私教服务。 十多年来,该校一直提供为国际学生提供英语作为第二语言课程的服务。学校以提供高质量为宗旨,以学生为中心,由专业讲师和母语为英语的专业人士授课,…