Our client owns & operates a premier, multi-campus, private, for-profit, career college group that provides a collegiate-level education for students seeking successful careers. It has been a trusted institution in its market for more than a decade & is a nationally recognized brand in the I.T and Healthcare fields with little competition. It is state approved, accredited, in compliance, & provides job-oriented diplomas in high-demand training programs. Students are eligible for Title IV financial aid & approved by the Veterans Administration. The college’s approval of Title IV student financial aid provides new owners an opportunity with immediate access to U.S. career college market & additional program development & campus relocation & expansion. Its career-focused courses help students earn Associate Degrees in the fields of Computer Animation, Business Systems, IT, Medical Billing & Coding, & Web Design.
The college has grown from a hand full of students in 2006 to close to 900 students. Remarkably, the percentage of students using Title IV financial aid is only 83% with an extremely low default rate of 20%. The school boasts an extraordinary high employment rate for graduates & an impressive retention rate for students. With high demand for the college's programs in its regional market, ownership has developed a business plan to leverage expanded demand over the next five years. There are consistent profits for the 2014-16 fiscal years with revenue of $14.8M & adjusted EBITDA of $4.2M in 2016, & year-over-year growth of 20% for the previous two years. Overall, it has consistent profits & conservatively projected to reach $17M revenue & $5.8M EBITDA in 2017 demonstrating reliable & stable profits and growth year-on-year.
The college’s accreditation & student financial aid provides new ownership immediate access to the career college market with flexibility for additional program development & campus relocation & expansion. The college is positioned to maximize profits & revenue growth for new ownership.
- Profitable U.S. Multi-Campus For-Profit Career College Group in growing market with little competition.
- Consistent Profits with revenue averaging $14.8M, adjusted EBITDA of $4.2M, & margins of 28%.
- Nationally Recognized with a reputation as a premium brand.
- High Demand Job-Oriented Diplomas in I.T and Healthcare fields.
- Significant Employment Rates for graduates.
- Extraordinarily High Retention Rates since day one.
- Consistently Maintaining ALL Accreditation Approvals with extensions from all regulatory bodies.
- Students Eligible For Financial Aid under coveted Student Aid Funding.
- Turnkey Management Team in place to support operations & transition.
- Modern & Spacious Campuses allowing room for further growth.
- One-Of-A-Kind State-Of-The-Art High Tech Student Friendly Learning Management System providing a cutting edge hybrid model of student instruction.
- Positioned To Maximize Profits & growth for new owners.
Next Step:
Please contact HEG if you'd like to know more about this career college group. This one will sell quickly! Please refer to School No. 3099 in your communications with HEG. You can contact us directly by email or call our toll free number at +1.800-687-1492.