Our Client is selling their US Gr. PK - 12 independent, co-educational & fully accredited college-preparatory private day school founded on the principles of small class size, individualized attention, incorporation of technology, & emphasis on performing arts. It provides students a rigorous, individualized, & comprehensive college-prep education, accomplished by challenging students to think critically & creatively while instilling in them a passion for artistic growth & life-long learning. It is located on 3 acres of property with 12,000 ft2 of dedicated learning space.
The school has SEVIS certification with I-20 visa authorization & current facilities can handle up to +250 students with potential for +500 with expanded facilities. There is room to lease/construct additional facilities & potential dormitories to support additional growth for a day & potential international boarding program. The school is located in a thriving & rapidly growing suburban community with the largest new home starts in its state. It offers small class sizes, 7:1 student teacher ratio, & a comprehensive & individualized college-prep education. The curriculum includes full academic courses, music, art, physical education & health, & world languages. Students participate in cutting-edge learning experiences such as a gifted education program & an e-learning course in language arts & mathematics that enhances their existing classroom curriculum with the integration of technology & science labs. The school offers high school students an accelerated learning option to earn dual high school & college credits.
The school campus is complemented by an adjacent swimming pool, playing fields, gymnasium with weight training facility, additional lighted basketball & tennis courts, cafeteria, contemporary classrooms, & a learning center/library, etc. Overall, the school has demonstrated steady profits &, with renewed marketing of its brand & expanded international programming, it will generate positive growth & income. Everything is in place for new ownership to move the school to the next level & benefit from a premium fully-accredited US college prep school with certification to recruit international students. It’s in amazing shape for medium- & long-term growth & profitability.
Contact HEG directly if you'd like to know more about this boarding school. This one will sell quickly! Please refer to School No. 1044 in your communications with HEG. You can contact us directly by email or calling our toll free number +1.800-687-1492.